* May Sweeps Predictions: What could (and should) happen on all four soaps | Soap Central on Soap Central

May Sweeps Predictions: What could (and should) happen on all four soaps

Posted Tuesday, April 23, 2024 3:28:24 PM
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May Sweeps is just around the corner and could bring a lot of story chaos and story resolutions on your favorite daytime soaps.

The four ratings "sweeps" periods that networks can base advertising rates on are no longer as important as they were before the age of streaming. However, for soaps, it still signifies a time when fans can look forward to big stories to draw them in.

In recent years, the sweeps months of February, May, July, and November have been hit or miss. In fact, big events now seem to happen at any time of year. Still, soap fans remain hopeful for a rip-roaring May in 2024. Here's what we think (or hope!) you will see. Do you agree?

Days of our Lives

Nicole Gets Her Baby Back
As Jude turns six months old, isn't it time to unwrap him from his blanket and introduce us all to an actual baby that Nicole can hold in her arms? He was born during November Sweeps in 2023, so May Sweeps in 2024 should bring him back to his real mother. As an added bonus, maybe Eric can find out that he is Jude's father, and the attachment he feels to a baby he adopted comes naturally.

Gabi's Finally Free
We didn't even see Gabi go on trial for killing Li Shin. She was just locked up the night he died, and we haven't heard from her since. We know Stefan visits her in Statesville frequently and that Clyde made sure that she ended up with a broken leg, but perhaps this little E.J.-induced miscarriage of justice can be rectified so we can figure out who really stabbed Li and set Gabi free.

Maggie's Long Konstantin Con
We need to believe that Maggie isn't really as stupid as she's been acting and is really onto Konstantin's many tricks and lies. A marriage of convenience so someone can stay in the country is a soap trope as old as time, and even Maggie wouldn't fall for it at this point in her life. Maggie could have the last laugh as John and Steve swoop in with Kon's ex-wife revealing all his secrets. When she is done, Maggie will tell everyone she's known all along and finally kick Konstantin to the Salem curb.

General Hospital

Chase and Brook Lynn's Long-Awaited Wedding
This is one thing we don't have to predict. We know it's coming because actors like Michael Easton and Jophielle Love have been posting pics of the big event on social media. Plus, there isn't an episode that goes by in which the wedding isn't mentioned. Even if Chase and Brook Lynn are not on, someone is talking about their wedding. So, what could happen at the wedding to add to the drama? Perhaps there won't be a dry eye in the house as Gregory takes a turn for the worse. But maybe it will just be a lighthearted affair filled with Brooklyn Italian chaos.

Jason's Ultimate Comeuppance
Jason Morgan has two teenage sons who he barely knows. Some of the reasons have been circumstance, and some have been choice. Missing the last two-and-a-half years of Jason's sons' lives has been choice. He didn't have to cover for Carly's mistakes. He chose to, and now one son doesn't want to speak to him and another wants to emulate him. We already saw Jason give Danny advice on how to handle a gun. We also heard Jake tell Liz he wanted to fight against gun violence. What if one or both of Jason's sons becomes a victim of gun violence during May sweeps, forcing Jason to evaluate every choice he has made since he began working for Sonny in 1996?

Sonny's Complete Meltdown, Ava's Redemption
Sonny's off his meds (or at least taking a lower dosage), and that's never a good thing for his life or for Port Charles. It's Valentin's ultimate plan to neutralize Sonny, but he may not realize the danger Sonny might become. In the end, it's always up to a woman to rescue Sonny, and we feel this time, it could be Ava. She already knows something is up with those pills, but she doesn't know why Sonny's meds were tampered with. When she gets to the bottom of it all, she might finally get the full redemption she's craved since she messed with Morgan's meds back in 2016.

The Bold and the Beautiful

Liam Finds a New Love
With Ashleigh Brewer returning to The Bold and the Beautiful any day now as Ivy Forrester, the one woman Liam didn't cheat on, it makes sense that she is coming aboard to give Liam something to do. After all, it's been nearly a year since his marriage to Hope imploded and Liam was backburnered. If Hope and Steffy can find love without Liam, why can't Liam find love without Hope and Steffy? May Sweeps can bring a whole new chapter to Liam Spencer's life.

Thomas Returns
It's been weeks since Thomas Forrester took off to Paris after Steffy convinced him that Hope didn't really want him. After all, she wasn't ready to get married again, so of course, that means she didn't love the man she claimed to love. Everyone has to get married when they're in love, right? Hope didn't want Thomas to leave, Thomas didn't really seem to want to leave, so it would make sense that he returns to finally resolve things with Hope. Maybe he will even bring Ivy with him.

Sheila Shows Up
Is she Sheila? Is she Sugar? Did Sheila really cut off her toe, or did Sugar do it? There are countless possibilities when you have a doppelgänger out there and are presumed dead. If Sugar was the one in the crematorium, that means Sheila is alive out there somewhere. With Deacon and Finn beginning their search in earnest this week, surely CBS soaps' most prolific multi-life villainess will pop back up again. The question remains -- where?

The Young and the Restless

Ashley's Alters Multiply
So far, we have met three of Ashley Abbott's alters. One is scheming and vindictive and calls herself Miss Abbott. Another one is a teenager known as Ash. Finally, a third southern belle alter just emerged, but is this the last one we will see? Perhaps May Sweeps will bring even more personalities for poor Ashley. What if one of them is a man? We know Eileen Davidson can pull off a bevy of characters at once, including a male one, as she did with Kristen, Susan, and all the Banks siblings on Days of our Lives. Let's see her wow some Y&R fans with this amazing skill.

Summer Wants Kyle Back
It stands to reason that once Harrison and Claire are rescued, everyone will have to be apologetic to Claire for believing she was the one who kidnapped the boy. Kyle will feel horrible about what happened and be more drawn to her than ever, and Summer may not like that. Since she seems to have this insta-hate for Claire, she could decide that Claire is not good enough for her ex or the child she thinks of as a son. That could mean unlucky-in-love Chance will once again find himself suddenly single as a result of May Sweeps.

Jordan Is Defeated...But Will It Be Forever?
That Jordan Woman has proven herself to be quite a chameleon and escape artist who can give GH's Heather Webber a run for her money. However, there comes a point where she needs to be locked up and stay locked up. We certainly wouldn't want her dead, because that means we'd lose the incredible Colleen Zenk, but a true prison stint should be on the agenda. The best person to send her there is, of course, the great Victor Newman himself. Nikki has already had enough showdowns with Claire's crazy aunt. It's time Victor shows all of Genoa City how it's done.

What do you think will happen on your favorite soaps for May Sweeps? We want to hear from you -- so drop your comments in the Comments section below, tweet about it on Twitter, share it on Facebook, or chat about it on our Message Boards.

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