* The blame game! (AMC Two Scoops Commentary for June 6, 2005) | Soap Central

The blame game!

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The blame game!
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The week of June 6, 2005
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We have Ryan having a vasectomy without consulting or speaking with his wife, Greenlee is attacking the doctor that did it and blaming everyone except Ryan, Ryan blaming Kendall for Greenlee finding out, Kendall telling Ryan to look in the mirror before assigning blame elsewhere. There are too many wrongs going on here for any rights to come about. Next David informs Greenlee about Ryan's donation to that sperm bank. I remembered Ryan's sperm donation so long ago. He needed some cash and decided to cash in on his manhood. Greenlee armed with this new information decides to have Ryan's child anyway. This is just as underhanded as Ryan having the vasectomy without anyone's knowledge. If Ryan doesn't want to be a father, then Greenlee needs to deal with it!

We have Ryan having a vasectomy without consulting or speaking with his wife, Greenlee is attacking the doctor that did it and blaming everyone except Ryan, Ryan blaming Kendall for Greenlee finding out, Kendall telling Ryan to look in the mirror before assigning blame elsewhere. There are too many wrongs going on here for any rights to come about. Next David informs Greenlee about Ryan's donation to that sperm bank. I remembered Ryan's sperm donation so long ago. He needed some cash and decided to cash in on his manhood. Greenlee armed with this new information decides to have Ryan's child anyway. This is just as underhanded as Ryan having the vasectomy without anyone's knowledge. If Ryan doesn't want to be a father, then Greenlee needs to deal with it. Decide if she can live with Ryan's decision and move forward with their marriage. Otherwise, perhaps she should just forget it.

JR blames Babe for every bad thing that's ever happened to him or his family. Babe blames JR for not being able to see her child more than a couple of hours a week. Jamie blames JR for not allowing Jamie's dream of becoming a doctor to become a reality. Brooke points out there is more than enough blame to go around for all involved, but she can help Jamie get into an out of state medical school. I thought you needed a degree before getting into medical school...

Di's getting ready to blame David for causing JR pain. I see this coming. David presses Di to continue the charade of being Dixie. Or is this a charade??? Dr. Joe has found out that Di only has one kidney and Tad immediately wants a DNA test run to see if Di is Dixie. Thanks goodness Dr. Joe said "NO." I've had it with all these back room medical procedures. David finds out about Di's one kidney as well but goes straight to Di whose explanation didn't come across as very credible.

Kendall blames herself for losing Ethan and breaks down alone in tears. Ethan blames Zach for ruining he and Kendall's love. Zach blames himself for the marriage ruse and being a bad father. Accepting blame ---- how refreshing!! Kendall definitely showed some maturity when she encountered Simone and Ethan together. Another refreshing AMC moment!

Reggie tries to blame Zach for being scum, but Lily jumps to Zach's defense. Sam and Maddie are blaming Zach for their present unpleasant situation with their mother. Maria on the other hand enjoys listening to Lily as she speaks kindly of Zach.

Amanda is blaming her "crazy" mother - Janet to justify her own corrupt behavior. I for one always loved Janet from another planet and don't consider her "crazy." Suellen's AMC Fan Spotlight of the Week comes from Nancy (a PHD in Counseling in Psychology) who writes: "Shame on AMC, I think the inane portrayal of Amanda only adds to the stereotype view that a parent with a mental health problem passes the condition on to a child. "Crazy Janet" as sometimes referred to, cannot genetically pass on her condition to Amanda. Yet AMC falls into the "trap" and is beginning to present Amanda as out-of-control." I agree with Nancy as AMC has brought in another "new" character as very unlikable much as they did with Babe and Krystal. Why must they go down this road again? Amanda tries to seduce Jamie to no avail and then tries to cover it all up and say it's just a ploy. Babe is professing to Krystal how great Amanda is and what Best Friends they are. The news of Tad perhaps finding out that Dixie is alive definitely has an effect on Krystal. When David shows up, he on the other hand tells Krystal he's sticking with her and letting others chase ghosts.

Tad wants JR to join forces with him to get a DNA sample from Di to prove if she's Dixie or not. JR still blaming Tad for his part of little Adam's abduction, etc. tells Tad to get lost. Tad just won't stop being a busy body as he then takes one of Di's personal items to test for fingerprints. I used to be such a Tad supporter but now I blame AMC for ruining that character. If AMC convinces Cady McLain to return as Dixie, let's hope they do a better return of her character than they've shown us with Maria, etc.

AMC is looking for someone to blame as the sweeps month has not been kind to the ratings. AMC has stayed with their dismal numbers and even fallen a little. It's the fans that suffer through bad plots and nasty characters. Is there a reason TPTB can't figure it out and give us better writing? An example --- Do they really think anyone would believe that Jamie couldn't get into college/medical school or is destitute? This is absurd and should be stopped. There's more than enough blame to go around this week in PV, so take care and I'll see you in 2.


Mary Page
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